Sunday, 2 July 2017

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Wir schätzen ausgezeichnetes akademisches Schreiben und bemühen uns, herausragende Aufsatzschreibenservices zu geben, jedes Mal, wenn Sie einen Auftrag vergeben. Wir schreiben Essays, Forschungsarbeiten, Zeitschriften, Kursarbeiten, Rezensionen, Thesen und vieles mehr, also ist unsere primäre Aufgabe, Ihnen zu helfen, akademisch erfolgreich zu sein. Vor allem sind wir stolz auf unser engagiertes Team, das sowohl die Kreativität als auch das Verständnis unserer Kunden braucht. Unsere Schriftsteller folgen immer Ihren Anweisungen und bringen frische Ideen auf den Tisch, was ein großer Teil des Erfolgs beim Schreiben eines Aufsatzes bleibt. Wir garantieren die Echtheit Ihres Papiers, sei es ein Aufsatz oder eine Dissertation. Darüber hinaus sorgen wir für die Vertraulichkeit Ihrer persönlichen Daten, so dass die Chance, dass jemand über unsere Zusammenarbeit informiert wird, ist schlank zu keiner. Wir teilen keine Ihrer Daten an irgendjemanden. Wenn es um Essay-Schreiben geht, ist eine eingehende Forschung eine große Sache. Unsere erfahrenen Schriftsteller sind professionell in vielen Bereichen des Wissens, damit sie Ihnen mit praktisch jeder akademischen Aufgabe helfen können. Wir liefern Papiere von verschiedenen Arten: Essays, Thesen, Buchbesprechungen, Fallstudien, etc. Wenn Sie Ihre Arbeit an einen unserer Schriftsteller delegieren, können Sie sicher sein, dass wir: Verwenden Sie Ihren Schreibstil Folgen Sie Ihren Richtlinien Machen Sie alle erforderlichen Korrekturen, wann immer Seine notwendigen Treffen auch die strengsten Fristen Geben Sie Ihnen eine freie Titelseite und Bibliographie. Wir haben Tausende von zufriedenen Kunden, die uns bereits bei ihren Freunden empfohlen haben. Warum nicht folgen Sie ihrem Beispiel und platzieren Sie Ihre Bestellung heute Wählen Sie unsere Profis, um Ihre schriftlichen Aufgaben zu vervollständigen Wenn Ihre Frist ist nur um die Ecke und Sie haben Tonnen von Kursarbeit häufen, kontaktieren Sie uns und wir werden Ihre akademische Belastung zu erleichtern. Wir sind bereit, einzigartige Papiere nach Ihren Anforderungen zu entwickeln, egal wie streng sie sind. Unsere Experten schaffen das Schreiben von Meisterwerken, die unseren Kunden nicht nur hohe Noten verdienen, sondern auch einen guten Ruf von anspruchsvollen Professoren. Vergeuden Sie nicht Ihre Zeit und bestellen Sie unsere Aufsatzschreibenservice heute Unsere Schriftsteller halten Doktorat. Und Masters Grad und haben erhebliche Erfahrung in verschiedenen Bereichen. Slideshare verwendet Cookies zur Verbesserung der Funktionalität und Leistung, und um Ihnen mit relevanten Werbung. 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Entdecken Sie alle Ihre Lieblingsthemen in der SlideShare App Holen Sie sich die SlideShare App zum Sparen für später auch offline Weiter auf die mobile Website Upload Login Signup Double tippen, um zu verkleinern Entwerfen von 8 BIT Arithmetik und Logische Einheit und Implementierung auf Xilinx Vertex 4 FPGA Teilen Sie diese SlideShare LinkedIn Corporation Kopie 2017Neue Produktentwicklung Glossar Automotive Industry Action Group besteht aus den Big 3 Automobilherstellern, die zusammengearbeitet haben, um Standard wie QS-9000 und APQP zu entwickeln (siehe Advanced Product Quality Planning). Application Interpretiertes Modell (STEP) 8211 Das Modell, das die Interpretation der STEP-integrierten Ressourcenkonstrukte beschreibt, die funktionale Äquivalenz zu den im Anwendungsreferenzmodell angegebenen AP8217s-Informationsanforderungen bieten. Die erforderliche Informationsdokumentation für das AIM beinhaltet die Beschreibung der Entitäten dieses Informationsmodells und eine Zusammenfassung der Begründung, mit der das resultierende Schema aus dem Anwendungsreferenzmodell abgeleitet wurde. User-Testing eines neuen Produkts im eigenen Haus (im Vergleich zu Beta-Tests bu tatsächlichen oder potenziellen Kunden oder Benutzer auf dem Gebiet). Die Prüfung kann in einem Labor-Einstellung, ein Benutzer-Test-Bereich oder sogar in das Feld durch das Unternehmen Personal. Zugeordnete Anforderungen sind Anforderungen, die die Leistung und Funktionalität einer übergeordneten Anforderung auf einem untergeordneten Element eines Systems ganz oder teilweise aufteilen. Die Analyse der Varianzanalyse der Abweichung ist eine grundlegende statistische Technik zur Analyse von experimentellen Daten. Es unterteilt die Gesamtvariation eines Datensatzes in aussagekräftige Komponententeile, die mit bestimmten Variationsquellen assoziiert sind, um eine Hypothese über die Parameter eines Modells zu testen oder Varianzkomponenten abzuschätzen. Accelerated Life Testing Analytischer Hierarchieprozess Ein Entscheidungswerkzeug für komplexe, multikritische Probleme, bei denen sowohl qualitative als auch quantitative Aspekte eines Problems berücksichtigt werden müssen. AHP clustert die Entscheidungselemente nach ihren gemeinsamen Merkmalen in eine hierarchische Struktur ähnlich einem Stammbaum. Es geht darum, eine Hierarchie (Ranking) von Entscheidungs-Elementen zu erstellen und dann Vergleiche zwischen jedem möglichen Paar in jedem Cluster (als Matrix) zu machen. Dies gibt eine Gewichtung für jedes Element innerhalb eines Clusters (oder Ebene der Hierarchie) und auch ein Konsistenzverhältnis (nützlich für die Überprüfung der Konsistenz der Daten). Durch die Reduzierung komplexer Entscheidungen auf eine Reihe von einfachen Vergleiche und Rankings, dann die Synthese der Ergebnisse, AHP hilft bei der besten Entscheidung und bietet auch eine klare Begründung für die Wahl gemacht. Das analytische Hierarchie-Prozessmodell wurde von TL Saaty als Entscheidungshilfe entwickelt. Siehe Analyse der Abweichung American National Standards Institute Antizipatorische Fehlerermittlung Antizipatorische Fehlerermittlung (AFD) ist eine Fehleranalyse Methode. Wie FMEA hat es das Ziel, Fehler zu identifizieren und zu mildern. Anstatt die Entwickler zu bitten, nach einer Ursache eines Fehlermodus zu suchen, kehrt sie das Problem zurück, indem sie die Entwickler auffordert, den Misserfolg des Interesses als die beabsichtigte Konsequenz zu betrachten und zu versuchen, Wege zu finden, um sicherzustellen, dass der Fehler immer zuverlässig passiert. Dieser Blickpunkt erleichtert dann bessere Identifizierungsschritte, um den Ausfall zu vermeiden. Automatisierte optische Inspektion Anwendungsprotokolle (STEP) 8211 Hierbei handelt es sich um implementierbare STEP-Datenkonstrukte für die Kommunikation von Informationen in einem definierten Anwendungskontext. Es definiert den Kontext für die Verwendung von Produktdaten und spezifiziert die Verwendung des Basisstandards in diesem Kontext, um einen industriellen Bedarf zu erfüllen. AP8217s sind Teile in der Serie 200 der STEP-Norm. 1. Anwendungsprotokollschnittstelle 2. Anwendungsprogrammierschnittstelle 8211 der Standardsatz von Funktionen, die von einem Programm oder Betriebssystem bereitgestellt werden, um die Integration anderer Software zu ermöglichen. Zwei Programme, die über eine API verknüpft sind, können sowohl verändert als auch noch zusammenarbeiten, solange beide mit der API übereinstimmen. Die Zuordnung von Zielen wie Zuverlässigkeit von System zu Subsystem in einer Weise, dass das gesamte System das erforderliche Ziel erfüllt. Siehe Advance Produkt Qualitätsplanung Siehe Advance Quality Plan Das Design und die Zusammenschaltung der Hauptkomponenten eines Hardwaresoftware Systems. Der Rahmen und die Zusammenhänge der Elemente eines Systems. Architektonische Grundsätze sind Aussagen der bevorzugten architektonischen Richtung oder Praxis. Jedes Prinzip sollte so angegeben werden, dass man wissen wird, ob die Architektur die vom Prinzip ausgedrückten Eigenschaften hat. Grundsätze müssen rationalisiert werden, unter Angabe, warum das Prinzip bevorzugt ist. Russische Akronym für den Algorithmus der erfinderischen Problemlösung (siehe Theorie der erfinderischen Problemlösung) Anwendungsreferenzmodell (STEP) 8211 Ein Informationsmodell, das die Informationsanforderungen und Einschränkungen für einen Anwendungsbereich formal beschreibt. Das Informationsmodell verwendet anwendungsspezifische Terminologie und Regeln, die einem Experten aus dem Anwendungsbereich bekannt sind. Das Modell ist unabhängig von jeder physikalischen Implementierung und muss von Experten aus dem Anwendungsbereich validiert werden. Nach Eingang der Bestellung 8211 in der Regel ein Maß für die Tage, Wochen oder Monate, bis ein Produkt entworfen und geliefert werden kann. AS9100 ist ein internationaler Qualitätsmanagementstandard für die Luft - und Raumfahrtindustrie, veröffentlicht von der Gesellschaft der Automobilingenieure, die auch von anderen Organisationen weltweit veröffentlicht wird, wie EN9100 in Europa und JIS Q 9100 in Japan. Der Standard wird von der International Aerospace Quality Group kontrolliert. Application Specific Integrated Circuit 8211 ein semi-Custom-Chip in einer bestimmten Anwendung, die Design ist durch die Integration von Standard-Zellen aus einer Bibliothek verwendet. Zuweisbare Ursache ist eine Variationsquelle, die nicht zufällig ist und daher identifiziert und beseitigt werden kann. Eine zuordenbare Ursache wird oft durch eine übermäßige Anzahl von Datenpunkten außerhalb einer Kontrollgrenze und und ein nicht zufälliges Muster innerhalb der Kontrollgrenzen signalisiert. Auch genannt 8220special cause8221. Eine Verknüpfung zwischen zwei verschiedenen Funktionen in einem CAD-System, die sicherstellt, dass eine Änderung in einem Bereich in allen anderen Bereichen reflektiert wird. Zum Beispiel wird eine Änderung eines soliden Modells in seiner Zeichnung und dem zugehörigen CAM-Programm widergespiegelt. Die bidirektionale Assoziativität zeigt an, dass Aktualisierungen in beiden Richtungen zwischen den Funktionen auftreten. Zum Beispiel wird eine Änderung einer Zeichnung in ihrem Festkörpermodell reflektiert. Anwendungsspezifischer Standard Teil 8211 ein Chip, der ursprünglich als ASIC konzipiert wurde und später für den allgemeinen Gebrauch freigegeben wird. Amerikanische Gesellschaft für Testen und Materialien Asynchrone Groupware ist Software, die verwendet wird, um Menschen zu helfen, in Gruppen zu arbeiten, aber nicht zu verlangen, dass diese Leute gleichzeitig zusammenarbeiten (asynchrone nicht koordinieren zu einem einzigen Zeitpunkt). Siehe Automatisierte Testgeräte Automatische Testausrüstung Automatisierte Testgeräte Automatisierte Testgeräte (ATE) gebaut, um einen Test oder eine Sequenz von Tests durchzuführen. ATE reicht von einfachen Geräten bis hin zur Überprüfung der mechanischen oder elektrischen Kontinuität an anspruchsvolle EDV-Systeme mit automatischer Sequenzierung, Datenverarbeitung und Auslesung. ATE kann eigenständige Testeinheiten sein oder in das Betriebsgerät eingebaut werden. Automatische Testmustergenerierung Automatische Testmustererzeugung ist der Prozess, der Fehlerlisten und ein Modell der Schaltung verwendet, um die logische und topische Natur der Schaltung zu analysieren, um Testvektoren für jeden Fehler zu erzeugen und dadurch einen hohen Fehler zu erzeugen - Testmuster für ein Design. Die Produktmetrik, die den Prozentsatz der Zeit definiert, die ein Produkt zur Verfügung steht und für den Kundengebrauch in Betrieb ist. Es ist der Anteil der Gesamtzeit, dass ein Gerät in der Lage ist, seine spezifizierten Funktionen auszuführen, die normalerweise als Prozentsatz ausgedrückt werden. Es kann berechnet werden, indem die verfügbaren Betriebsstunden in der angegebenen Zeit um die Gesamtzahl der Stunden geteilt werden. Axiomatic Design erkennt vier Domains. Die Bedürfnisse des Kunden werden im Kundenbereich identifiziert und in Form der erforderlichen Funktionalität eines Produktes im Funktionsbereich angegeben. Designparameter, die die funktionalen Anforderungen erfüllen, werden in der physikalischen Domäne definiert und in der Prozessdomäne definieren Fertigungsvariablen, wie das Produkt produziert wird. Lösungsalternativen werden durch die Zuordnung der in einer Domäne festgelegten Anforderungen zu einem Satz von charakteristischen Parametern in einer benachbarten Domäne erstellt. Die Zuordnung zwischen dem Kunden und den Funktionsdomänen wird als Konzeptdesign definiert. Die Abbildung zwischen funktionalen und physikalischen Domänen ist die Produktgestaltung, die die Zuordnung zwischen den physikalischen und den Prozessdomänen entspricht dem Prozessdesign. Die Ausgabe jeder Domäne entwickelt sich von abstrakten Konzepten bis hin zu detaillierten Informationen in top-down oder hierarchisch. Zwei Design-Axiome bieten eine rationale Basis für die Bewertung der vorgeschlagenen Lösungsalternativen und die anschließende Auswahl der besten Alternative. Das erste Axiom ist das unabhängige Axiom, und es heißt, dass ein gutes Design die Unabhängigkeit der funktionalen Anforderungen beibehält. Das zweite Axiom ist das Informationsaxiom und es stellt den Informationsinhalt als relative Maßnahme für die Bewertung und den Vergleich alternativer Lösungen zur Verfügung, die das Unabhängigkeitsaxiom erfüllen. Eine umfassende Performance-Messtechnik, die vier Leistungsbereiche in einer ausgewogenen Weise berücksichtigt: 1) Kundenperspektive 8211 Wie Kunden uns sehen, 2) interne Perspektive 8211 was wir uns auszeichnen müssen, 3) Innovations-Amp-Lernen 8211 Wie wir weiter zu verbessern und zu schaffen Wert, 4) Finanzielle Vorausschau 8211 Wie wir den Aktionärsbedürfnissen gerecht werden. Bath-Tub Curve stellt die Ausfallrate von Komponenten über die Lebensdauer des Produkts dar. Der Aufwärtstrend am Anfang und am Ende deutet darauf hin, dass die meisten Komponenten entweder sofort (zu Beginn der Produktlebensdauer) oder gegen Ende der erwarteten Produktlebensdauer ausfallen. Binary Cutter Sprache. Computer-interpretierbare Sprache zur Steuerung von Werkzeugmaschinen. Siehe Break Even After Release Behavioral Modeling definiert ein Produkt in Bezug auf die erforderlichen Verhaltensweisen und nicht die Beziehungen zwischen Geometrie-Elementen für mechanische Produkte oder Beziehungen zwischen Komponenten, Toren und Registern für elektronische Produkte. Beispielsweise ist die Verwendung einer Hardwarebeschreibungssprache (siehe Hardware Description Language) ein Mittel zur Beschreibung eines Verhaltensmodells für ein elektronisches Produkt. Die Glaubenskarte ist eine Methode zur grafischen Darstellung des relativen Wissens - und Vertrauensniveaus. Es handelt sich um eine Handlung, deren horizontale Achse den Auswertungsbefehl darstellt, wie zB ein Konzept alternativ82 die Fähigkeit, bestimmte Anforderungen zu erfüllen. Die vertikale Achse würde das Aussehen des Evaluators8217s in die Fähigkeit des Konzepts darstellen, diese Anforderungen zu erfüllen. Ein Verbesserungsprozess, bei dem ein Unternehmen die Leistungsfähigkeit seiner Produkte oder Prozesse gegen das von Best-in-Class-Produkten oder Unternehmen misst, bestimmt, wie das Produkt oder Unternehmen ihr Leistungsniveau erreicht hat und die Informationen zur Verbesserung der eigenen Leistung nutzt. Best Practice ist eine überlegene Methode oder innovative Praxis, die zur verbesserten Leistung einer Organisation beiträgt, die in der Regel als 8220best8221 von anderen Peer-Organisationen anerkannt wird. Beta Testing ist die Prüfung einer fast fertigen Version eines Stückes von Software oder Hardware, mit dem Ziel, Fehler zu finden, die von den Entwicklern verpasst wurden. Genarische Beta-Tests werden von Personen außerhalb der Entwicklerorganisation wie tatsächlichen oder potentiellen Kunden oder Benutzern durchgeführt. Polynom verwendet, um komplexe Kurven und Oberflächen zu beschreiben. Ball Grid Array 8211 eine elektronische Verpackungstechnik, bei der Lötkugeln an der Unterseite der Verpackung in einer Rasteranordnung montiert und zur Befestigung an PCB8217s geflossen werden. Stückliste Eine Stückliste (Stückliste) ist eine hierarchische Liste von Baugruppen, Komponenten und Rohstoffen, die eine übergeordnete Komponente, Montage, Produkt oder System bilden. Eine Engineering-Stückliste stellt die Montagestruktur dar, die durch die Stücklisten auf Zeichnungen und Zeichnungsbaumstrukturen impliziert wird. Eine Fertigungsstückliste stellt die Montage auf, wie ein Produkt hergestellt wird. Eine Kreativitätstechnik, bei der eine Gruppe von Menschen an Ideen interessiert ist, die sich auf ein bestimmtes Thema beziehen und so viele mögliche Ideen wie möglich aufführen, bevor eine kritische Bewertung der Ideen durchgeführt wird. Ein Name, Begriff, Design, Symbol oder irgendein anderes Merkmal, das einen Verkäufer identifiziert8217s gut oder Dienstleistung im Unterschied zu denen anderer Verkäufer. Der gesetzliche Begriff für Marke ist Marke. Eine Marke kann ein Element, eine Familie von Gegenständen oder alle Gegenstände dieses Verkäufers identifizieren. Break Even After Release Break auch nach Release 8211 eine Metrik, die die Zeit nach der Freigabe eines Produkts für Produktion oder Verkauf misst, bis das Produkt einen finanziellen Bruch unter Berücksichtigung der Investitionen in die Entwicklung und andere einmalige Aufwendungen erreicht hat. Break Even Time 8211 eine Metrik, die die Zeit von Beginn der Entwicklung durch Produktion und Vertrieb misst, bis das Produkt einen finanziellen Bruch unter Berücksichtigung der Investitionen in die Entwicklung und andere einmalige Ausgaben erreicht hat. Boundary Representation 8211 Solides Modellierung Ansatz auf der Darstellung von Außenflächen, die eine solide (im Gegensatz zu konstruktiven festen Geometrie). Eine mathematische Interpolationsmethode zur Beschreibung komplexer Kurven und Flächen Eingebauter Selbsttest 8211 ist ein Merkmal des automatischen Testens, bei dem viele Testmusterprogramme direkt in die Schaltung eingebaut werden, im Allgemeinen für die Gono-Go-Prüfung der Baugruppe oder Schaltung unter Verwendung von Signaturanalyse. Business Case bezieht sich auf die Ergebnisse der Markt-, technischen und finanziellen Analysen verwendet, um die Durchführbarkeit eines neuen Produkts zu rechtfertigen. Idealerweise definiert, kurz vor der 8220go zur Entwicklung8221 Entscheidung (Tor), definiert der Fall das Produkt und Projekt, einschließlich der Projekt Rechtfertigung und die Aktion oder Business-Plan. Business Process Reengineering Business Process Reengineering (BPR) ist die Analyse und Neugestaltung des Workflows innerhalb und zwischen Unternehmen. Autoren Michael Hammer und James Champy förderten die Idee von BPR als radikale Neugestaltung und Reorganisation eines Unternehmens, um Kosten zu senken und die Servicequalität zu erhöhen. Sie schlugen sieben Prinzipien des Reengineering vor, um den Arbeitsprozess zu rationalisieren und damit eine signifikante Verbesserung der Qualität, des Zeitmanagements und der Kosten zu erreichen: 1) organisieren die Ergebnisse, nicht die Aufgaben 2) identifizieren alle Prozesse in einer Organisation und priorisieren sie in der Reihenfolge Redesign urgency3) integrieren Informationsverarbeitung in die reale Arbeit, die die Informationen produziert4) geografisch verteilte Ressourcen, als ob sie zentralisiert wurden 5) verknüpfen parallele Aktivitäten im Workflow anstatt nur ihre Ergebnisse zu integrieren6) legen Sie den Entscheidungspunkt, wo die Arbeit durchgeführt wird, und Baue die Kontrolle in den Prozess und7) erfassen Informationen einmal und an der Quelle. Siehe Computer-Aided Design CAD-Framework-Initiative CAD Framework Initiative 8211 ein Standard zur Erleichterung der Integration von elektronischen Design-Automatisierungs - (EDA) - Tools Dies ermöglicht es einer Organisation, 8220 Best of Class8221-Tools auszuwählen, ohne sich Gedanken über Integrationsprobleme zu machen. Die CFI-Standards decken die Design Representation Programming Interface, die Intertool Communication Programming Interface, die Tools Encapsulation Specification, die Computing Environment Services. Siehe Computer-Aided Engineering siehe Cross-Functional Team Change Management ist ein systematischer Ansatz zum Umgang mit Veränderung, sowohl aus der Perspektive einer Organisation und auf der individuellen Ebene. Change Management hat mindestens drei verschiedene Aspekte, einschließlich: Anpassung an Veränderung, Kontrolle der Veränderung und Änderung der Veränderung. Ein proaktiver Ansatz zum Umgang mit Veränderung steht im Mittelpunkt aller drei Aspekte. Für eine Organisation bedeutet Change Management die Definition und Umsetzung von Prozeduren und Technologien, um sich mit Veränderungen im Geschäftsumfeld auseinanderzusetzen und von sich ändernden Chancen zu profitieren. Charter ist eine schriftliche Verpflichtung, die vom Management genehmigt wurde und den Umfang der Autorität für ein Entwicklungsprojekt oder ein integriertes Produktteam angibt. Der Prozess der Platzierung oder Rückgabe einer neuen oder geänderten Produktinformation unter Kontrolle innerhalb eines PDMPIM-Systems. Wenn eine Revision erstellt wird, initiiert diese Prozedur in der Regel einen Reviewapproval-Prozess unter der Kontrolle des PDMPIM-Systems. Der Prozess des Zugriffs auf verwaltete Produktdefinitionsinformationen unter kontrollierten Prozeduren. Der Zugriff kann für die Anzeige, den Verweis, für die Verwendung in einer anderen Anwendung oder Aufgabe oder für eine Änderung der Informationen erfolgen. Das PDMPIM-System verhindert mehrere, gleichzeitige Änderungsaktivitäten, um die Integrität der Produktinformationen zu gewährleisten. Chip-on-Board ist eine Komponenten-Verpackungstechnik, bei der nahezu integrierte Schaltkreise direkt am Substrat befestigt und mittels mikroskopischer Drähte miteinander verbunden sind. 1. Kontinuierliche Verbesserung 2. siehe Konfigurationselement Klassifizierung ist die Zuordnung von Attributen und andere definierende Metadaten zu verwalteten Objekten und Informationen innerhalb eines PDM-Systems. Diese Metadaten werden dann für die Suche nach Daten mit ähnlichen Merkmalen verwendet. Clinical Trial testet ein System in einem klinischen Umfeld, das in einem Krankenhaus, einer Klinik, einem Arztbüro usw. ist. Benutzer-Test - und Feature-Tests in einer solchen Umgebung haben besondere Einschränkungen, vor allem wegen des Potenzials für unerwartete Auswirkungen auf die Patientenversorgung. Benutzer-Tests in klinischen Einstellungen wird oft Überprüfung durch ein Ethik-Komitee, um sicherzustellen, dass die Privatsphäre des Patienten nicht beeinträchtigt wird und dass kein Schaden zu den Patienten als Ergebnis der Prüfung kommen wird. Wie bei der Arzneimittelprüfung kann es nicht angebracht sein, ein Merkmal aus einem System zu entfernen, um es zu testen, wenn es scheint, dass das Merkmal direkt der Patientenversorgung zugute kommt. Cloud of Points Ein Satz von x-y-z-Koordinaten, die von einem 3D-Scanner oder Digitalisierer erhalten werden. Die Daten können als kontinuierliche Oberfläche interpretiert und in einem 3D-Modell verwendet werden. Dies wird oft für Reverse Engineering verwendet. Computer Numerical Control kann nicht duplizieren (Ausfälle). Auch bekannt als 8220No Trouble Found8221 (NTF). Dies ist das Ergebnis der Prüfung eines Teils oder eines Moduls, das durch Nacharbeit oder Service eines Produkts erhalten wird. Kognitive Modellierung produziert ein Berechnungsmodell, wie Menschen Aufgaben ausführen und Probleme lösen, basierend auf psychologischen Prinzipien. Diese Modelle können Umrisse von Aufgaben sein, die auf Papier - oder Computerprogrammen geschrieben sind, die es uns ermöglichen, die Zeit vorauszusagen, die es braucht, damit die Leute Aufgaben ausführen, die Arten von Fehlern, die sie treffen, welche Entscheidungen sie treffen oder welche Tasten und Menüpunkte sie wählen. Solche Modelle können verwendet werden, um Wege zur Verbesserung der Benutzeroberfläche zu ermitteln, so dass eine Person8217s Aufgabe weniger Fehler hat oder weniger Zeit benötigt und in die Benutzeroberfläche zu integrieren, um Software zu produzieren, die effektiver reagiert, um Menschen zu helfen, das System zu nutzen, indem sie ihr Verhalten vorwegnehmen. Kognitive Komplettlösungen beinhalten die Entwicklung von Task-Szenarien aus einer Produktspezifikation. Experten spielen dann den Teil eines Benutzers, der durch eine Reihe von Aufgaben arbeitet. Jeder Schritt des User8217s-Prozesses wird für die Einhaltung der etablierten Usability-Prinzipien ausgewertet. 1. Zusammenarbeiten, kooperieren 2. Ein Prozess der Maximierung sowohl kooperatives und durchsetzungsfähiges Verhalten, um zwei Parteien im Konflikt miteinander zu befriedigen. Collaborative Product Commerce Die Aberdeen Group definiert Collaborative Product Commerce (CPC) als 8230a Klasse von Software und Services, die Internet-Technologien verwendet, um Einzelpersonen zu erlauben 8211 egal welche Rolle sie bei der Kommerzialisierung eines Produkts haben, egal, welche Computer-basierten Tools sie verwenden , Egal wo sie sich geographisch oder innerhalb des Versorgungsnetzes 8211 befinden, um Produkte über den gesamten Lebenszyklus gemeinsam zu entwickeln, zu bauen und zu verwalten. Unter Verwendung eines Standardbrowsers kann ein autorisierter CPC-Benutzer Informationen aus einer erweiterten Enterprise-Informationssystemansicht überprüfen, die über einen verteilten Satz heterogener Produktentwicklungsressourcen arbeitet. Diese Ressourcen befinden sich in der Regel in mehreren Informations-Repositories und werden von unabhängig implementierten und gepflegten Systemen abgeleitet. Die Praxis der physischen Lokalisierung von Multifunktions-integrierten Produktteammitgliedern in der Nähe zueinander, um die Kommunikation, Koordination und Entscheidungsfindung auf einem Entwicklungsprojekt zu verbessern. Virtuelle Kollokation bezieht sich auf den Einsatz von Technologie, um einige der Kommunikationsvorteile für Teammitglieder zu erreichen, die geografisch verteilt sind. Gemeinsame Ursache ist eine Variation, die dem Prozess innewohnt und nicht leicht identifiziert und kontrolliert werden kann. Methoden und Aktivitäten zur Umwandlung von disaggregierten öffentlichen Wettbewerberinformationen in relevante und strategische Kenntnisse über Wettbewerber Position, Größe, Anstrengungen und Trends. Der Begriff bezieht sich auf die breite Praxis der Erhebung, Analyse und Kommunikation der besten verfügbaren Informationen über wettbewerbsfähige Trends außerhalb der eigenen Unternehmen. Die Anwendung von Engineering-Know-how auf die Prozesse der Komponentenauswahl, Applikation, Prozesskompatibilität und Beschaffung inklusive Analyse neuer Trends in elektronischen Geräten. Component Supplier Management Component Supplier Management (CSM) ist eine Klasse von Softwareanwendungen, die Informationen über Standardkomponenten, die sowohl gekauft und hergestellt werden, pflegen, um verschiedene Funktionsdisziplinen wie Design, Beschaffung, Materialien, Konfigurationsmanagement und Fertigung zu unterstützen. Dieses System dient als zentrales Repository für Komponenten - und Lieferanteninformationen, um die Standardisierung, den Entwurfsabruf und die Wiederverwendung sowie die Beschaffungseffizienz zu maximieren. CSM-Systeme enthalten vier Hauptelemente, Teileklassifikation und - abruf, Komponentenbibliotheken, Webkomponentenkatalogisierung und Komponenten-Supplier-Prozessmanagement. Computational Fluid Dynamics Computational Fluid Dynamics ist die numerische Analyse von Flüssigkeits - und Gasströmung, Wärmeübertragung und verwandten Phänomenen. CFD-Löser enthalten einen komplexen Satz von Algorithmen, die für die Modellierung und Simulation des Flusses von Flüssigkeiten, Gasen, Wärme und elektrischen Strömen verwendet werden. Computer-Aided Design (CAD) ist die Verwendung eines Computers, um bei der Erstellung und Änderung eines Designs, am häufigsten, Entwürfe mit einem schweren Engineering-Inhalt zu unterstützen. Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) ist die Verwendung von Computern in Design, Analyse und Herstellung eines Produkts, Prozesses oder Projekts. Manchmal verweist man in der Analyse auf die Verwendung von Computern. Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) ist die Verwendung der Computerbeschreibung des Teils oder der Baugruppe, um die Planung, das Schneiden, das Bilden, die Montage und die Inspektion des Gegenstandes über computergestützte Anwendungen zu fahren. Computer-Aided Process Planning verwendet Teildaten und Prozessregeln zur Erstellung von Prozessplänen oder Arbeitsanweisungen. Variant CAPP basiert auf der gruppentechnischen Klassifizierung von Teilen und Teilmerkmalen, um nach einem vorgegebenen ähnlichen Prozessplan zu suchen, der der Klassifizierung am ehesten entspricht. Generative CAPP verwendet Part - und Feature-Klassifizierung zusammen mit Regeln und Kenntnissen über Fertigungsprozesse, die mit Features verbunden sind, um einen geeigneten Prozessplan zu generieren. Computer-Aided Software Engineering Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) ist die Anwendung der Computer-Technologie, um die Entwicklung von Software zu erleichtern. CASE-Tools beinhalten in der Regel Bibliotheken von wiederverwendbarem Code (Module von Software, die für bestimmte Aufgaben leicht modifiziert werden können), Programmierer-Produktivitäts-Tools, Anwendungsgeneratoren und Test-Utilities. CASE-Tools bieten auch Anforderungsmanagement, strukturiertes Systemdesign und - analyse, Systemsimulation, Testmanagement, Dokumentationserzeugung usw. Computer Software Konfigurationselement Computer Software Configuration Item (CSCI) ist eine Softwarekomponente eines Systems, das für das Konfigurationsmanagement bestimmt ist Die Konfigurationsintegrität sicherstellen. Es kann auf jeder Ebene in der Hierarchie existieren, wo Austauschbarkeit erforderlich ist. Jede CSCI soll (falls zutreffend) individuelle Designbewertungen, individuelle Qualifikationszertifikate, individuelle Abnahmeprüfungen und separate Benutzerhandbücher haben. Eine Idee für ein neues Produkt oder System, das in Form einer schriftlichen Beschreibung, einer Skizze, eines Blockdiagramms oder eines einfachen Modells dargestellt wird. Ein Konzept ist die früheste Darstellung eines neuen Produktes oder alternativer Ansätze zur Gestaltung eines neuen Produktes. Ein physikalisches Modell oder eine Repräsentation, die in erster Linie für Design Review, Produktkonzeption und Kundenfeedback gedacht ist. Dieses Modell ist in der Regel nicht ausreichend genau oder dauerhaft für volle funktionale und physikalische Prüfung. Der Prozess, durch den ein Konzept Statement, Skizze oder Modell wird den Kunden für ihre Reaktionen präsentiert. Diese Reaktionen können entweder genutzt werden, um dem Entwickler zu erlauben, den Verkaufswert des Konzepts abzuschätzen oder Änderungen an dem Konzept vorzunehmen, um seinen potenziellen Verkaufswert zu erhöhen. Die konzeptionelle Architektur stellt eine angemessene Zerlegung des Systems dar, ohne sich an die Details der Schnittstellenspezifikation zu beteiligen. Die konzeptionelle Architektur identifiziert die Systemkomponenten oder Subsysteme, die Verantwortlichkeiten der einzelnen Komponenten oder Subsysteme sowie die Zusammenhänge zwischen Komponenten oder Subsystemen. Der Grad, in dem Phasen, Stadien oder Aktivitäten parallel überlappt oder durchgeführt werden können. Ein systematischer Ansatz für die integrierte, gleichzeitige Gestaltung von Produkten und deren damit verbundene Prozesse, einschließlich Fertigung und Support. Dieser Ansatz soll dazu führen, dass die Entwickler von Anfang an alle Elemente des Produktlebenszyklus von der Konzeption über die Entsorgung, einschließlich Qualität, Kosten, Zeitplan und Benutzeranforderungen, berücksichtigen. Eine Auflistung einer Beschreibung8717s beschreibenden und regelnden Merkmale, die in a) funktionalen Begriffen ausgedrückt werden können, dh welche Leistung das Element erwartet wird, und b) physikalische Begriffe, dh was das Item aussehen soll und aus dem, wenn es abgeschlossen ist . Configuration Item (CI) ist ein Hardware-, Software - oder Composite-Item, das über eine definierte Funktion verfügt, auf jeder Ebene in der Systemhierarchie sein kann und für das Konfigurationsmanagement bestimmt ist. Configuration Management (CM) ist der Prozess der Verwaltung eines Produktes und der Konstruktionsdokumentation, wie es sich entwickelt und seinen Lebenszyklus ändert (von der Bedarfsdefinition über Produktion, Betrieb, Support und Entsorgung) und sicherstellt, dass die daraus resultierenden Produkte und Prozesse dieser Dokumentation entsprechen. Die Konfigurationsverwaltung function8217s umfasst die Aufrechterhaltung des Konfigurationsstatus eines Dokuments, die Produkt - und Prozessberichterstattung über diese Konfiguration, die Änderungen an dieser Konfiguration steuert (siehe Engineering Change Control) und die Überprüfung, dass die resultierende Konfiguration des Produkts oder Prozesses mit der in der zugrunde liegenden Dokumentation beabsichtigten entspricht . Die Prüfung eines Kandidatenprodukts auf das Vorhandensein spezifischer Merkmale, die von einer Norm verlangt werden, um festzustellen, inwieweit dieses Produkt eine konforme Umsetzung darstellt. Eine Methodik zur Erforschung und Beschreibung von subjektiven Kundenansichten von Produktmerkmalen. Eine konjunkturanalyse vermeidet eine direkte Befragung, z. B. 8220Was denkst du über den Preis unseres Produktes8221 Stattdessen wird der Kunde gefragt, was sie bereit sind, für eine bestimmte Produktfunktion zu bezahlen. So wird die reale Kaufsituation unter Berücksichtigung unterschiedlicher Kosten-Nutzen-Alternativen simuliert. Die daraus resultierende Analyse zeigt direkt den Beitrag jedes Produktmerkmals zum gesamten Produktnutzen. Eine Conjoint-Analyse kann verwendet werden, um festzustellen, inwieweit ein Produkt8217s die Dienstprogrammänderungen wahrgenommen hat, wenn ein bestimmtes Produktmerkmal geändert wird. Konsens ist eine Gruppenentscheidung, die sich aus Mitgliedern ergibt, die sich in einer vollständigen und offenen Diskussion engagieren und dann eine Einigung erzielen, um damit zu leben und die daraus resultierende Entscheidung offen zu unterstützen. 1. In Bezug auf CAD sind dies Werte in einem geometrischen Modell, die Beziehungen zwischen Entitäten wie Ebenen, Flächen, Punkten, Linien, Bögen, Zentren, Kanten usw. definieren. Beschränkungen werden verwendet, um ein Modell vollständig zu definieren und parametrisch oder zu fahren Variationsgeometriesysteme. Die Algorithmen, die verwendet werden, um mit Einschränkungen zu arbeiten, werden als Constraint-Management bezeichnet. 2. Einschränkungen oder Grenzen, die die Gesamtfähigkeit, die Priorität und die Ressourcen beeinflussen. Kontextanalyse Kontextuelle Anfrage Kontextanalyse Kontextuelle Anfrage ist eine strukturierte Feldbewertungsmethode, die eine Kombination von Methoden verwendet, die aus Anthropologie und Journalismus abgeleitet sind. Durch die Beobachtung und Interview von Nutzern von Produkten in ihrer tatsächlichen Umgebung und Verständnis der Kontext, in dem ein Produkt verwendet wird, wird ein besserer Einblick in die Themen, die Kontextanalyse Kontext-Anfrage ist ein Entdeckungsprozess, der Einblick in die Bedürfnisse der Kunden hinzufügen kann gewonnen. Ein Kontingent ist die geplante Zuteilung von Zeit, Kosten, Budget oder Design Margin für unvorhersehbare Elemente oder Risiken mit einem Entwicklungsprojekt. Contingency Design ist eine Form der Fehler-Korrektur, die sich auf die User8217s Erfahrung mit dem Produkt konzentriert. Die Absicht besteht darin, in Funktionen zu entwerfen, die dem Benutzer helfen, Fehler zu vermeiden oder den Benutzern zu erlauben, die Eingabe von Daten oder den Betrieb des Produkts schnell zu korrigieren. Dies geschieht durch Layout und Grafikdesign, intuitive Bedienung, klare Anweisungen, entsprechende Markierungen und Warnungen, beschreibende Fehlermeldungen, Vermeidung von Fachjargon und einfache Bedienungsschritte. Eine grafische Darstellung der Ergebnisse eines Prozesses im Laufe der Zeit. Sie werden verwendet, um festzustellen, ob ein Prozess in statistischer Kontrolle oder in der Notwendigkeit der Anpassung ist. In der statistischen Prozeßsteuerung (SPC) werden zwei horizontale Zeilen auf einem Kontrolldiagramm gezeichnet, das die obere Steuergrenze (UCL) und die untere Steuergrenze (LCL) bezeichnet. Die Probenmittel und die Bereiche von einem Produktionslos müssen innerhalb dieser Grenzen liegen. Wenn sie so sind, verhält sich der Prozess normal und soll unter Kontrolle sein. Wenn irgendwelche Punkte außerhalb der Grenzen liegen, bedeutet dies den Verlust der Kontrolle 8211 der Prozess muss gestoppt und der Grund gefunden werden. Kontrollpläne sind Beschreibungen der Systeme zur Steuerung von Teilen, Baugruppen, Produkten und Prozessen. Sie werden geschrieben, um die wichtigen Eigenschaften und technischen Anforderungen des Produkts zu adressieren. Jeder Teil oder jede Baugruppe sollte einen Kontrollplan haben, aber in vielen Fällen können 8220family8221 Kontrollpläne eine Anzahl von Teilen abdecken, die mit einem gemeinsamen Verfahren hergestellt wurden. Siehe Participatory Design Coordinate Measuring Machine Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) ist ein Gerät, das maßgeblich 3-D Produkte, Werkzeuge und Komponenten mit einer Genauigkeit von 0,0001 in. Es verwendet sowohl für Inspektion und Reverse Engineering. see Cost of Quality Core Competencies are the essential capabilities that create a firm8217s sustainable competitive advantage. Corrective Action is an action taken to eliminate the causes of an existing nonconformity or other undesirable situation in order to prevent recurrence. Cost as an Independent Variable Cost as an Independent Variable (DoD initiative) 8211 an acquisition strategy of obtaining the best available productsystem within the constraints of available resources. Cost performance and schedule trades are made to achieve this balance with budget. Cost Benefit Ratio The ratio of the present value of benefits to the present value of costs. 1. Those elements of cost which significantly impact the productsystems cost. 2. Any factor that causes a change in the cost on an activity. An activity may have multiple cost drivers associated with it. Cost Estimating Relationship Cost Estimating Relationship is an equation that defines the relationship of an independent variable or product parameter (e. g. product weight, speed, etc.) to its related cost or price. Cost estimating relationships are the basis of parametric cost estimating techniques. A Cost Model is an estimating tool consisting of one or more cost estimating relationships, estimating methodologies, or estimating techniques used to predict the cost of a system or one of its lower level elements. Cost of Quality All costs expended for appraisal costs, prevention costs, and both internal and external failure costs of activities and cost objects. A formal activity employed to rectify a cost target breach or to reduce the cost of an existing product or design. A cost reduction effort has a specific quantified objective and may affect schedule, performance or support to achieve this objective. A Cost Table is a multidimensional data base in which cost is captured for several levels of a number of attributes for either the parts or functions of a product. Cost tables are used to develop early estimates of the cost of a design based on product or part parameters or functions and different materials and manufacturing processes and methods. Cost tables have been primarily used by Japanese companies. Cp is a capability index that tells how well a system can meet two-sided specification limits, assuming that the average is centered on the target value. Cp is the ratio of the specification range to the process capability at plus or minus 3 sigma. see Collaborative Product Commerce Concurrent Product Development (Synonymous with concurrent engineering or integrated product development. See Integrated Product Development) Continuous Process Improvement Cpk is a capability index for a non-centered mean that tells how well a system can meet two-sided specification limits. Cpk is the ratio of the specification range to the process capability at plus or minus 3 sigma. Critical Path Method 8211 A method for determining the minimum project duration by identifying the critical path based on task interrelationships and duration. It assumes there is no wasted time for the activities that are on the critical path. Taking action to decrease the total project duration by analyzing a number of alternatives to determine how to get the maximum duration compression for the least cost. Often, it involves reducing the time it takes to complete an activity by adding resources. Creeping Elegance Featurism The tendency for designers to add more capability, functions and features to a product as it is being developed than were originally intended. These actions cause a product8217s cost to increase beyond the target, the schedule to slip and can detract from usability. Critical Chain Method is a project scheduling and management methodology developed by Eliyahu Goldratt based on concepts from the Theory of Constraints. With Critical Chain scheduling, uncertainty is primarily managed by (a) using average task duration estimates (b) scheduling backwards from the date a project is needed (to ensure work that needs to be done is done, and it is done only when needed) (c) placing aggregate buffers in the project plan to protect the entire project and the key tasks and (d) using buffer management to control the plan. The characteristics or specifications for a material, part, assembly or product that define those attributes that are essential to the proper fit or functioning of the item to satisfy the intended customer use or need. In a project network diagram, the critical path is the one with the longest duration. The critical path may change from time to time as activities are completed ahead of or behind schedule. (see CPM) A subset of drawingmodel parameters that are critical to function and have tolerances andor datums different from the standard tolerances or datum. As a result, these parameters will usually have tolerances and datums specifically defined on a drawing or in a model. In the absence of dimensional drawings, CTF dimensions are a means of communicating dimensions critical to success of the design, tolerance and other non-geometrical information. This approach is generally simpler than a complete fabrication drawing because of fewer dimensions. Critical to Quality Critical to Quality (CTQ) characteristics are the key measurable characteristics of a product, it8217s parts, or process whose performance standards or specification limits must be met in order to satisfy the customer. These characteristics should be validated with product testing and controlled in the manufacturing process. They align improvement or design efforts with customer requirements. Also see critical characteristics. Cross-Functional Team is a team consisting of representatives from marketing, engineering, manufacturing, finance. purchasing, test, quality, finance and any other required disciplines with responsibility for developing a product or product subsystem. This team is empowered to represent the functional disciplines and develop a product by addressing its life cycle requirements including its product and support. see Computer Software Configuration Item CostSchedule Control System is a performance measurement system that uses earned value techniques to breakdown a budget to cost variation into cost and schedule variation components Constructive Solids Geometry 8211 a solid modeling method using primitives to build more complex models and Boolean operations of add, difference, and intersection. Design for Maintainability is a set of principles and a methodology for analyzing product concepts or designs for characteristics and design features which reduce maintenance requirements and frequency, facilitate diagnosis, and minimize the time and effort to disassemble, repairreplace, and reassemble the product as part of the maintenance process. Design for Test is a set of principles for the design of the product to incorporate built-in test features provide test visibility to to modules, boards and parts undergoing test faciliate testing minimize test cycle time facilitate diagnosis of faults provide test access and minimize test connection effort. tdgt Design for Excellence 8211 designing to consider all relevant life cycle factors such as manufacturability, reliability, maintainability, testability, affordability, etc. The ability to uniquely identify any faults (or potential faults) in the behavior or operation of the product. Diagnosability would indicate not only what the fault was, but also what failed or caused the failure (e. g. module, component, line of code, etc.). Solids modeling capabilities that enable complete products to be built in electronic form. The mockups can be used to check for problems such as interference and clashes between components. Using digital mockups reduces the cost and time of development since physical models do not need to be built. Synonymous with digital pre-assembly, electronic mock-up, and assembly modeling. Cost that can be specifically identified or traced to an activity, cost object or final cost objective. Direct Digital Manufacturing The process of going directly from an electronic digital representation of a part or item to the final part or item via additive fabrication. See Additive Fabrication. Directed Evolution is an advanced TRIZ methodology used to create scenarios to support the planning and development of future generations of technical systems. Draft International Standards (International Standards Organization) Discontinuous innovation falls outside of existing markets or market segments, and when successful extends and redefines the market, exposing new possibilities. Discontinuous innovation is characterized by lateral or divergent thinking, by looking outside of defined boundaries, and by discovery of new knowledge related to both market need and technological capability. Discounted Cash Flow Discounted Cash Flow 8211 an analysis technique that determines the present value of a series of positive and negative cash flows using a specified discount factor representing the cost of capital. This can be used to compare investment alternatives such a new product development alternatives. Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control 8211 a Six Sigma improvement methodology DMADV is a data driven quality strategy for designing products and processes that is an integral part of a Six Sigma quality initiative. It consists of five interconnected phases: define, measure, analyze, design and verify. Dimensional Measurement Interface Specification (ANSI standard) Electronic Design Automation Electronic Design Automation (EDA) consists of hardware and software tools to aid in the design and development of electronic products through design capture, simulation, synthesis, verification, analysis, and testing. Electronic Design Interchange Format An EIAANSI standard which defines the file format for communicating two-dimensional graphics and interconnection information that is used to describe the patterns for fabricating and manufacturing semiconductors and PCBPWB8217s. Electronic Manufacturing Services Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS) refers to the industry that provides contract design, manufacturing, and related product support services on behalf of electronics OEMs, in which the design and brand name belongs to the OEM making electronic products or subassemblies to be sold under the OEM brand name. Often referred to as 8220Contract Manufacturing8221 or 8220Contract Electronics Manufacturing8221. Electronic Systems Design Automation Electronic Systems Design Automation (ESDA) is a set of graphical front-end tools that allow designers to use pictures rather than words to describe and analyze their creations. These tools can use HDL8217s as an interchange format rather than a design medium and allow for higher degrees of abstraction over traditional schematic capture or waveform display programs. Electronic Systems Level Electronic Systems Level is a higher level abstraction for the design of electronic products than RTL (see Register Transfer Level) which will improve design productivity with the design of ever larger and more complex electronic systems. This is the third generation in design methodologies and tools (gate-level, register transfer level, and electronic systems level). Key elements of ESL include behavioral synthesis, integration between the behavioral level and the architecture level, and hardwaresoftware codesign and coverification. 1. Early Manufacturing Involvement 2. Electro-Magnetic Interference Empathic Design is based on observation watching customersconsumers use products or services. But unlike focus groups, usability laboratories, and other contexts of traditional market research, this observation is conducted in the customer8217s own environment in the course of normal, everyday routines. This approach enables the researcher to observe and develop information on customer needs that will drive design that is not accessible through other observation-oriented research methods. see Electronic Manufacturing Services The process by which a device under development and its native software is prototyped before its manufacture. End-of-Life (EOL) is the term applied to products or components that are being retired from the market because of technology obsolescence or rapidly declining demand. A modification to a component, product configuration, or document from currently defined and approved status. Changes cause version or revision levels of affected items to be updated. Engineering Change Control is the process and procedures that manage how changes are proposed, reviewed, and approved and incorporated into a product and its associated data items. Change control is a part of an overall configuration management methodology and uses review and release processes to enforce compliance with company change policies. Engineering Change Notice Engineering Change Order Engineering Change Notice (ECN) Engineering Change Order (ECO) are formal documents notifying selected persons of proposed, pending, or accomplished changes. In a PDMPIM-managed environment, ECNs may be distributed by electronic mail. Enhanced Quality Function Deployment is a broader QFD framework that applies a system perspective recognizing the need to decompose more complex products into subsystems and assemblies with supporting deployment matrices and concept selection matrices. Enterprise Resource Planning Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is an integrated computer applications to plan and support execution of business functions in the manufacturing enterprise. ERP relates to product development in the following ways. ERP applications will contain product structure data (bills of material) generated during development. Some ERP applications also provide some product data management functionality. Finally, ERP is the tool to help forecast new product demand and order and stock materials to support product launch. Environmental Stress Screening Environmental Stress Screening (ESS) is a process which applies specific kinds of environmental stresses to products on an accelerated basis, but within their design parameters and limits to cause latent and intermittent flaws to become detectable failures. Also see Highly Accelerated Stress Screening (HASS). Electronic Product Definition Estimate to Complete A qualitative method of researching customer needs based on studying the anthropology or culture of the user. This method involves spending time in the field observing customers and their environment to better understand their lifestyle or culture as a basis for understanding their needs for a new product. A deep understanding of your customer can lead to fundamental insights that impact product design, feature sets, product positioning, marketing communications, advertising execution, etc. Electronic Work Instruction The view that our effort will be greatest when we expect that we can perform the task at hand and that we expect to obtain rewards for our performance. Experience Curve (also known as a learning curve) is a mathematical model that relates the cost per unit (or labor time per unit) to the cumulative number of units produced in an exponentially decreasing manner. The information modeling language used to define the STEP standard (ISO 10303). An internet-based network that provides controlled access to outside parties. Also see Intranet. Extreme Programming (XP) is one of the more popular lightweight, or agile development methods. In general, XP structures the 8220four basic activities of software development 8230 coding, testing, listening, and designing.8221 XP structures coding based on the concepts of pair-programming and test-development. XP structures the testing activity by requiring automated tests that the team runs every day, several times a day. XP structures the listening activity through pair-programming and by requiring that the customer be part of the team and be on-site. Lastly, XP structures the designing activity by encouraging developers to use test-first development: define a test, then code until the test passes, then proceed to the next test. There is no big-design-up-front stage in an XP project. A deficiency, defect, nonperformance or nonconformance with specified requirements. An item of equipment has suffered a failure when it is no longer capable of fulfilling one or more of its intended functions. Note that an item does not need to be completely unable to function to have suffered a failure. Failure Analysis is a collection of techniques to determine the root cause of a component or process defect or failure. Failure in Time Failure in Time 8211 a reliability measure usually expressed in failures per 10 to the 9th power hours. A particular way in which failures occur, independent of the reason for failure. Failure Modes and Effects Analysis Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a procedure in which each potential failure mode in every sub-item of an item is analyzed to determine its effect on other sub-items and on the required function of the item. It is used to identify potential failure modes and their associated causesmechanisms, consider risks of these failure modes, and identify mitigating actions to reduce the probability or impact of the failure. Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis is a procedure that is performed after a failure mode and effects analysis to classify each potential failure effect according to its severity and probability of occurrence. Failure Reporting and Corrective Action System Failure Reporting and Corrective Action System (FRACAS) is a closed-loop system to capture reports of failure from customers or service technicians in the field or from the factory, analyze these reports, detect trends or problems, and use this analysis to take corrective action in the design, component selection, supplier selection, manufacturing process, or operating manual of the product. Features of a FRACAS system include a database manager, tracking system for document controls, user definable reports which allow selection of data elements and sort options, and search functions. Factory Acceptance Testing Fault Tree Analysis Fault Tree Analysis is a top-down, hierarchical analysis of faults to identify the various fault mechanisms and their cause. It graphically describes the cause and effect relationships that result in major failures. The fault or major failure being analyzed is identified as the 8220top event.8221 All of the possible causes of the top event are identified in a tree using 8220or8221 nodes for independent causes and 8220and8221 nodes for multiple causes that must exist concurrently for a failure to occur. see Functional Configuration Audit A design for testability methodology that provides complete access to an integrated circuit. EDA tools can insert scan registers automatically during logic synthesis. An abstracted description of work that a product must perform to meet customer needs (for value analysis, sometimes stated in a noun-verb format, e. g. 8220transmit data8221) Functional Requirements capture the intended behavior of the system or product 8211 what the system will do. This behavior may be expressed as functions, tasks, or services the system or product is required to perform. Therefore, functional requirements do not include performance characteristics, operating conditions, use cases, and specifications. Functional Test is a test that identifies functional level faults in printed circuit board assemblies (PCBAs), including manufacturing related faults not identified by in-circuit tests (ICT), timing related failures, and faults internal to components. Functional test equipment operates at the same frequency the PCBA is designed for and may have the capability to margin temperature, voltage and frequency. Functional Worth is equal to the least expensive way to perform a given function. Synonymous with value analysis and value engineering. A methodology of focusing on those functions that are valuable to customers and delivering them at the lowest possible cost. Function Analysis System Technique is a value analysis or function analysis technique to describe a system or product as a series of logically related functions and associate those functions to costs. This technique identifies less important functions that may then be eliminated, thereby reducing costs. Functional Configuration Audit An engineering audit of a configuration item (CI) or system to verify that the performance test results of the item are in accordance with the performance specification of the item. See Design Validation and Validation. Function Cost Analysis Function Cost Analysis is an accounting allocation of cost and importance to product function. It is a tool used to support value engineering or value analysis to identify high cost functions to address. Function Point Analysis A top down software development estimating technique which was developed by A. J. Albrecht. It entails breaking a project down into 8216Function Points8217 which are classified by degrees of complexity. Factors are then applied from which time estimates may be developed. Fuzzy Front End The is the process for determining customer needs or market opportunities, generating ideas for new products, conducting necessary research on the needs, developing product concepts, and evaluating product concepts up to the point that a decision is made to proceed with development. This process is described as the fuzzy front end because it is the product concept is least defined or most fuzzy at this point. see General Availability Gantt Chart is a diagram used in project management, where the x axis is time and the y axis shows tasks to be performed to complete the project. Each task is displayed as a horizontal bar spanning the time period during which it is expected to take place. Arrows may be drawn from one task to another to indicate dependencies (when one task can8217t be begun until another is completed). The Gantt chart was developed by Charles Gantt in 1917. 1. A gate (or stage-gate) is a step where the merits and progress of the project are evaluated before further progress is allowed. A gate involves a review that often results in a 8220gono go8221 decision for the project. 2. Another name for a logic cell (see Cell), which is a functional group of transistors having physical attributes that support a specific semiconductor process technology. A metric for the size of an ASIC design, usually expressed in terms of the equivalent number of basic 2-input NAND gates used. A gate count can be roughly converted to a transistor count by multiplying by a factor of four. Gatekeepers are the members of management that conduct the stage-gate or phase-gate reviews that are part of a stage-gate process in new product development. The gatekeepers are usually members of a formal group known as Product Committee or similar name that are charged with portfolio management and pipeline management. Gauge Repeatability and Reproducibility Gauge Repeatability and Reproducibility (GRampR) is the evaluation of a gauging instrument8217s accuracy by determining whether the measurements taken with it are repeatable and reproducible. Repeatability is the variation in measurement obtained with one measurement instrument when used several times by an appraiser while measuring the identical characteristic on the same part. Reproducibility is the variation in the averages of the measurements made by the different appraisers using the same measuring instrument when measuring the identical characteristic on the same part. see Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing A product data exchange format standard for electronics manufacturing that characterizes, sorts and organizes data into intelligent schemes. This standard is represented in IPC-2511, Generic Requirements for Implementation of Product Manufacturing Description Data and Transfer Methodology. The point in the product life cycle when production has been ramped-up to sufficient volumes and when product issues have been resolved so that the product is made available to all interested customers. Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GDampT) 8211 ANSI-Y14.5 standard for showing the dimensioning and tolerancing on a drawing considering the functions or relationships of part features. GDampT depicts the geometric relationship of part features (instead of the Cartesian relationship), allowing the maximum tolerance which permits full function of the product. GovernmentIndustry Data Exchange Program (for electronic components) A failure which, on its own, does not become evident to the operator or user under normal circumstances. Hierarchical Design is a design methodology where portions of large designs are divided into manageable sections or sub-blocks that may be created, represented symbolically, designed, and then connected together when completed. This methodology allows different parts of the design to be worked on in parallel. Highly Accelerated Life Test Highly Accelerated Life Test (HALT) is a process developed to uncover design defects and weaknesses in electronic and mechanical assemblies using a vibration system combined with rapid high and low temperature changes. The purpose of HALT is to optimize product reliability by identifying the functional and destructive limits of a product. HALT addresses reliability issues at an early stage in product development. Highly Accelerated Stress Screening Highly Accelerated Stress Screening (HASS) is a technique for production screening that rapidly exposes process or production flaws in products. Its purpose is to expose a product to optimized production screens without affecting product reliability. Unlike HALT, HASS uses nondestructive stresses of extreme temperatures and temperature change rates with vibration. Harmonization of Product Data Standards 8211 An organization sponsored by ANSI to oversee and coordinate the harmonization of electricalelectronic data standards. Hyper-Text Mark-up Language 8211 the mark-up language used as the basis for the world-wide web. Human Factors refers to the characteristics of human beings that are applicable to the design of systems and devices of all kinds. It furthers serious consideration of knowledge about the assignment of appropriate functions for humans and machines, whether people serve as operators, maintainers, or users in the system. And, it advocates systematic use of such knowledge to achieve compatibility in the design of interactive systems of people, machines, and environments to ensure their effectiveness, safety, and ease of performance. The minimum return on investment or internal rate of return percentage a new product must meet or exceed for it to be approved for investment with development. International Standards Organization is a specialized international agency for standardization composed of the national standards bodies of 91 countries. ISO 9000 is a set of international standards on quality management and quality assurance developed to help companies effectively document the quality system elements to be implemented to maintain an efficient quality system. The standards, initially published in 1987, are not specific to any particular industry, product or service. tdgt An ISO technical standard for product data representation and exchange commonly referred to as STEP or the Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data . An ISO technical standard titled 8220Quality management system 8211 particular standards for the application of ISO 9001:2000 for automotive production and relevant service part organizations8221. This standard replaces QS-9000 and harmonizes requirements for automotive manufacturers internationally. InterTool Communications 8211 part of the CFI standards that enable applications to communicate events and data to each other at run time. ITC is the basis for achieving operations such as cross highlighting logic in both the front end schematic capture and board layout tools. see Joint Application Development A programming language developed by Sun Microsystems that can be run as a virtual machine on many computer platforms. Many applications such as product data management (PDM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) are being re-architected to run certain processes using Java to make them widely available regardless of a user8217s platform. see Joint Development Model Joint Electron Device Engineering Council A Jig is a device that holds the workpiece securely in the correct positions and has the capability of guiding the tool during a manufacturing operation. Just-in-Time Production (See Lean Manufacturing) Joint Application Development Joint Application Development (JAD) was developed at IBM Canada in the 708217s. Joint Application DevelopmentDesign is a group session approach that stresses the communication between a multi-disciplinary group brought together for the express purpose of generating system requirements and preliminary design. Joint Development Model A model of partnership with an external manufacturer to jointly design a product that will be produced by that manufacturer. The responsibilities for development and the ownership of the intellectual property are negotiable. Joint Test Action Group 8211 the informal name for IEEEANSI Standard 1149.1-1990 which is a set of design rules for testing at the IC level. Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers A Japanese term describing a process or philosophy of continuous, incremental improvement. Th Kano Model, developed by Dr. Noriaki Kano, further refined the notion of quality quality along two dimensions in contrast to the linear 8220good-bad8221 8220ok-not ok8221 dimension in existence all along. The two dimensions were: 1) The degree to which a product or service performs, and 2) The degree to which the user is satisfied. The correlation of quality on two axes further led to three unique definitions of quality, namely: Basic Quality, Performance Quality and Excitement Quality. see Knowledge-Based Engineering Known Good Die (integrated circuits) Kinematic Analysis is the analysis of motion without regard to forces that cause it. (Also see Dynamic Analysis.) Kinematic simulations show the physical positions of all the parts in an assembly with respect to the time as it goes through a cycle. 1000 Lines of Code Knowledge-Based Engineering is a set of design automation tools that capture design knowledge and rules to automate the design process. The overall management process to capture, organize, manage and disseminate knowledge in an organization to improve enterprise effectiveness by avoiding mistakes and avoiding the time to relearn needed knowledge. Since product development is very knowledge intensive, knowledge management offers tremendous leverage and opportunity for improvement. Key Process Input Variable (Six Sigma term) Key Process Output Variable (Six Sigma term) 1000 Source Lines of Code 1. A Laboratory is a test facility that may include chemical, metallurgical, dimensional, physical, electrical, reliability testing or test validation. 2. A Laboratory is a research facility that supports development and testing under controlled conditions. Local Area Network 1. For ICs, the process of floorplanning, implementing, and verifying the location of transistors and their connections within a chip design. 2. For PCBs, the process of entering, placing, routing, and verifying the location of physical components and their connections within a board design. see Life Cycle Analysis 1. see Life Cycle Cost 2. Leaded Chip Carrier 8211 a square chip carrier with pins on all four sides. Lower Control Limit is the lower limit used within statistical process control that define the constraints of common cause variations. When a parameter value falls below the lower control limit, it flags the occurrence of special causes contributing to variation. Lead Customers Users Lead customers or users are those customers or users who are the most advanced users of the product, customers who are pushing the product to its limits, or customers who are adapting an existing product(s) to new uses. Lead users are a good source of information on needs for a new type of product. Lead user research is the process of understanding lead users needs and potentially involving them in development. Lean Manufacturing is a operations philosophy that aims to synchronize production with demand, thereby minimizing inventory and cycle time. Lean Manufacturing is supported during product development with approaches such as robust design, mistake-proofing and standardization. Lean Product Development Lean Product Development is based on the application of the lean thinking principles to developing new products. This starts with defining what is of value to the customer, eliminating waste in the design of a new product by actions to achieve its target cost and making the product manufacturable. It also focuses on eliminating waste in the development process and making the value-creating steps flow with techniques such as pipeline management and pull scheduling. Finally, Lean Product Development requires organizing the right resources on the development team and empowering the team. The final step is to focus on learning, amplify learning across the organization, and continuously improving. Lessons Learned refers to specific lessons that are experienced, learned, and captured or knowledge that is gained during the execution of a project or activity. Lessons learned are captured and documented for others in the organization to learn from, use to improve their performance on a project, and avoid repeating with negative consequences. Level of Detail Level of Detail 8211 the ability to vary the amount of details displayed in a graphics image to improve performance. For instance, at a distance, models can appear as simple 3D figures, but as users zoom in, a more detailed representation is presented. Life Cycle Analysis Life Cycle Analysis is a method to assist with the quantification and evaluation of environmental burdens and impacts associated with product systems and activities, from the extraction of raw materials in the earth to end-of-life disposal. LCA is increasingly used by industries, governments and environmental groups to assist with decision making for environment-related strategies and materials selection. Life Cycle Cost Life Cycle Cost is the total cost to the customer of acquiring, operating, and disposing of a product system over its full life. These costs include development, acquisition, installation, training, operation, support, and disposal. A new product marketed by an organization that already has at least one other product being sold in that product or market area. Line extensions are usually new sizes, models, applications, performance levels, etc. Lines of Code (software) Localization involves customization of the the product, instructions, and the user interface for each local region in which it will be used, by using the local language and taking advantage of local conventions, standards, assumptions, and common defaults. See Internationalization. Low Rate Initial Production 1. Line Replaceable Unit (LRU) is synonomous with a with Field Replaceable Unit (see Field Replaceable Unit). A LRU is a modular component of any manufactured device that is designed to be replaced quickly at an operating location. 2. Lowest Replaceable Unit (see Field Replaceable Unit) Logistics Support Analysis 1. Mechanical Engineer 2. Manufacturing Engineer Mean Time Between Failures Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) is a measure of the reliability of a product or piece of equipment. It is equal to the number of failures in a given period divided by the total equipment uptime in that period. It represents the average time between failures for a repairable product for a defined unit of measure (e. g. operating hours, cycles, miles, etc.). Mean Time to Repair Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) is a measure of maintainability of a product or piece of equipment. It is equal to the total or the estimated downtime of the product or equipment in a given period divided by the number of failures or the number of repairs performed in that period. Micro-Electronic Mechanical Systems Materials, Energy amp Toxicity. A metric to measure environmental impact of a product. This metric was developed by developed by TNO, a research organization in The Netherlands. Milestone 8211 an important event representing the completion of a major work task or group of work tasks. Milestones are usually scheduled and can be used to measure progress. Reviews are often conducted upon the completion of a milestone. Mistake-Proofing 8211 improving product designs, tooling designs, or processes to prevent mistakes from being made or to quickly and easily detect or mitigate the effect of a mistake. Mistake proofing involves six principles: elimination, replacement, prevention, facilitation, detection, and mitigation (see mistake-proofing for examples). Synonymous with error-proofing and poka-yoke. A modular architecture (as opposed to an integral architecture) is a product architecture where 1) the physical building blocks (e. g. subsystems or subassemblies) perform one or a small number of functions in their entirety, 2) the interactions between the building blocks or interfaces are minimal, well-defined, and generally fundamental to the primary functions of the product, and 3) the building block elements are discrete, interchangeable and individually upgradeable. Modular Design consists of combining standardized building blocks or 8220modules8221 in a variety of ways to create unique finished products. Thus, even though the parts and assemblies may be standardized, the finished product is unique. Morphological analysis is used to identify the necessary product functionality and explore alternative means and combinations of achieving that functionality. For each element of product function, there may be a number of possible solutions. The morphological chart is prepared and used to develop alternative combinations of means to perform functions and each feasible combination represents a potential solution. Memorandum of Understanding Material Review Board 8211 a group that meets periodically within a company to review non-conforming materials and products to determine their disposition and use. see Orthogonal Array The term Object is used to mean a collection of attributes that represent either a physical or logical artifact. For example an Object can represent all the information required for an item or a drawing. The key feature of an Object is that it represents data that can be manipulated as a group, so copying an item Object copies all the attributes associated with the object in one action. Objects are specialized into Classes. An object representing a particular type of bolt, for example, could be in the Class of Objects called bolts. Objects have 8216methods8217. Methods are ways in which the object can be accessed, modified, displayed, etc. Another feature of Objects is inheritance. One class can be based upon another, the new class is called a subclass. The new class will inherit all the attributes of the other class. So you could have a class called bolt with attributes, length, thread type and pitch. You can then create a subclass called brass. The new class would inherit the attributes length, thread type and pitch from the bolt class and have a new attribute 8216brass8217. see Original Design Manufacturer see Original Equipment Manufacturer Object-Oriented Data Base Management System 1. Open innovation is the concept of looking beyond one8217s own organization for innovations, technology and intellectual property as a basis for products, services, and processes. It recognizes that in a world of widely distributed knowledge, companies cannot afford to rely entirely on their own research, but should instead buy or license processes or inventions (i. e. patents) from other companies. In addition, internal inventions not being used in a firm8217s business should be taken outside the company (e. g. through licensing, joint ventures, spin-offs). In contrast, closed innovation refers to processes that limit the use of internal knowledge within a company and make little or no use of external knowledge. 2. 8220Open innovation is the use of purposive inflows and outflows of knowledge to accelerate internal innovation, and expand the markets for external use of innovation, respectively. This paradigm assumes that firms can and should use external ideas as well as internal ideas, and internal and external paths to market, as they look to advance their technology.8221 (Chesbrough) The economic value of the benefit that is sacrificed when an alternative course of action is taken. Original Design Manufacturer Original Design Manufacturer 8211 An external manufacturer who assumes responsibility for the design, development and manufacture of a company8217s products. While the OEM defines requirements, may define elements of the architecture, and owns the intellectual property, the design and manufacture is done by the ODM. Original Equipment Manufacturer The manufacturer whose name goes on a product and who markets and supports the product. In the past, this was the organization that had the highest level of manufacturing, test, integration andor distribution responsibility in the supply chain. Increasingly, one or more of these activities are being outsourced to other manufacturers. On-going Reliability Testing A capability of 2D and 3D modeling systems in which the user defines dimensions and constraints to which the model must conform. Alterations are then automatically reflected in related areas. Parametric Cost Estimating A cost estimating methodology using statistical relationships between historical costs and project and product parameters gathered from similar, but different projects. This methodology typically uses parameters such as weight, power, lines-of-code, or other characteristics of the product or system to estimate or to scale the development cost, product cost andor schedule. System complexity and team maturity are also influencing factors. Pareto Analysis Diagram An analysisdiagramming technique using frequency of occurrence to identify and display results generated by each identified cause. This analysis is commonly used to decide where to apply initial effort for maximum effect. See Pareto Principal. The Pareto principle suggests that 20 of a set of independent variables is responsible for 80 of the result. In quantitative terms, for example, 80 of the problems come from 20 of the causes (machines, raw materials, operators etc.). Therefore, effort aimed at the right 20 can solve 80 of the problems. Classification of parts or other elements of a product by their geometry, material, function andor the processes used to manufacture them (see Group Technology). Part classification is used to find components or subassemblies to use in a product design and to aid in standardization efforts. A data model that contains the complete geometric and functional representation of a part and its characteristics. A comprehensive part model would also contain related analysis, configuration, manufacturing and support data. Participatory Design refers a democratic approach to design that encourages participation in the design process by a wide variety of stakeholders, such as: designers, developers, management, users, customers, salespeople, distributors, etc. The approach stresses making users not simply the subjects of user testing, but actually empowering them to be a part of the design and decision-making process. This is accomplished through direct involvement with the product development team on major projects for one or a small number or customers or through frequent customer or user review and feedback during the development process using mechanisms such as focus groups, web-based customer participation, usability studies, etc. Parts Library (ISO 13584) An international standard that will offer the capability for computer-sensible representation and exchange of part library data. Production Engineering and Planning A Perceptual Map is a visual method for comparing customer perceptions of different products considering two different characteristics of those products. It is used to show relationships between marketplace competitors and the criteria used by buyers in making purchase decisions and recommendations. Perceptual maps may be used for market segmentation, concept development and evaluation, and tracking changes in marketplace perceptions. see Program Evaluation and Review Technique see Process Failure Modes and Effects Analysis Physical Configuration Audit An engineering inspection of a configuration item (CI) to verify that the item 8220as-built8221 conforms to the 8220as-designed8221 documentation. Physics of Failure Analysis to determine the physical or chemical causes or mechanisms for the failure of electronic components or assemblies. The initial limited-quantity production of the production-ready version of the product design used to confirm readiness for large quantity production. Product Information Management. See Product Data Management Product Improvement Program Pipeline management is the process of managing new development projects that are currently in the pipeline (both proposed and approved). This addresses the management of capacity and resources to undertake the selected projects and the coordination of cross-functional resources to optimize throughput. The centerline spacing from one electronic device pin to another. Plated-Thru-Hole is a method of obtaining electrical connection between components and substrate (printed circuit board) by soldering component leads (or pins) inserted in plated through-holes. see Product Life Cycle Psychological Inertia is the tendency of persons to formulate opinions or attitudes, make decisions or seek known or familiar solutions to problems based on their current frame of reference, experience, and training. 1. see Plated-Thru-Hole 2. synonymous with Pin-Thru-Hole Pugh Concept Matrix The Pugh Concept Matrix is used to a) evaluate multiple design concepts and select the preferred concept alternative and b) synthesize the best elements of other concepts into an improved concept (which may be a hybrid or variant of the best of other concepts. The Pugh matrix is useful because it does not require a great amount of quantitative data on the design concepts, which generally is not available at this point in the process. Printed Wiring Board Printed Wiring Circuit Random Function Determination A value analysis methodology that list basic and secondary functions performed by a component or product in a verb-noun format. Rapid Application Development Rapid Application Development (RAD) is a way of developing a system by completing an initial working part of the system, and then incrementally adding to it every few months. Instead of waiting to finish the entire system, the system owners can put the system into use earlier. Development tools such as visual programming and computer-assisted software engineering help with RAD. 1. Rapid Prototyping refers to various technologies such as stereolithography and selective laser sintering that can rapidly create parts for visualization, product mock-ups, or functional product prototypes or produce rapid tooling to manufacture small to medium volumes of parts. Rapid prototyping or 3D printing processes involve devices, ranging from office modelers to four-ton machines, that accept 3D CAD files, slice the data into cross-sections, and construct layers from the bottom up, bonding one on top of the other, to produce physical prototypes. 2. More generally, it is the process of quickly generating prototypes or mockups of what a product system will look like. Rapid prototyping may be done with paper prototypes such as sketches, low-fidelity physical prototypes, CAD visualization, rapid application development, or video prototyping. Rapid Manufacturing refers to the use rapid prototyping technologies to directly manufacture low volumes of parts. Rapid Tooling refers to the use rapid prototyping technologies to fabricate tooling in a much shorter period of time than conventional tooling. Rapid tooling technologies include methods such as RTV molds, high-speed milling, centrifugal casting, etc. Root Cause and Corrective Action A statistical process control (SPC) chart that monitors the range (variability) of the process. A sample of parts is collected from the process periodically. The range (maximum minus minimum) of the sample is plotted on the control chart and a determination is made if the process is 8220under control8221 or not. Research and Development Rapid Decision-Making Practices Research, Development, Testing and Evaluation Recurring Cost, Recurring Expense or Recurring Production Cost The recurring cost of producing each unit a product. This would typically include direct materials, direct labor, direct process costs, allocated overhead, and any outside processing costs. The recurring cost is typically the basis for a target cost. Another term for these cost is Unit Production Cost (UPC). Register Transfer Level Register Transfer Level (RTL) 8211 a system definition described in terms of registers, switches (multiplexers), and operations. RTL design flow represents an advance in the EDA design process over gate-level design flow. The probability that an item will continue to function at customer expectation levels at a measurement point, under specified environmental and duty cycle conditions. British Standard Institute BS4778: The ability of an item to perform a required function under stated conditions for a stated period of time. A predictive tool used to estimate the 8220life8221 of a product. This is usually expressed in terms of hours as 8220mean time between failure8221 (MTBF). Reliability Prediction is the analysis of parts and components in an effort to predict the rate at which an item will fail. A reliability prediction is one of the most common forms of reliability analyses. A function, feature or capability that a product must provide or meet to satisfy the customer8217s needs and enterprise8217s objectives for a new product. See Product Requirement. Requirements Allocation Matrix Requirements Allocation Matrix is a matrix showing the allocation of a requirement (e. g. reliability, weight, cost) to various subsystems or subassemblies so that requirement can be accurately flowed-down and the satisfaction of the overall requirement can be tracked and managed. The determination of product-specific performance and functional characteristics based on analyses of: customer needs, expectations. and constraints operational concept projected utilization environments for people, products, and processes and measures of effectiveness. See Scope Creep The process of deriving and allocating requirements to all levels of system decomposition. Requirements Engineering can be defined as the systematic process of developing requirements through the process of analyzing the problem or need, documenting the resulting requirements to solve the problem or meet the need in a variety of representation formats, and checking the accuracy of the understanding gained. Requirements Engineering focuses on 8220what8221 needs to be designed. Requirements Engineering is not a one time activity but instead should be revisited at every stage of the development process to find out if the requirements have changed at all and if not are they being met. Requirements Management is the process of managing the initial development of requirements and the subsequent changes to requirements to assure that they address only what is needed or required of the product and that adequate consideration is given to tradeoffs in product cost, development cost, development schedule, and competitor actions. Requirements Management exercises control over the project scope to avoid scope creep and unnecessary or deferrable nice-to-have featurescapabilities. The evidence of an association between a requirement and its source, its implementation, and its verification. Return on Investment Return on Investment is a financial analysis technique which compares the expected return to the outlay or investment to determine a percentage of return. The point in the product life cycle that products are released for first sale to customers. Production is usually still at low rate, the customers that the product is sold to may need to meet certain requirements, and there may be special support capabilities provided to the product at this point. 1. Reverse Engineering is the process of capturing the geometry of existing physical objects and then using the data obtained as a foundation for designing a duplicate of the original or an entirely new adaptation. Other terms include Digital Shape Sampling and Processing (DSSP), 3D Scanning, 3D Data Capture, and Optical Scanning. 2.Reverse engineering refers to the procedure of carefully dismantling and inspecting a competitors product to look for design features that can be incorporated into ones own product. Request for Proposal Request for Quotation A management process consisting of identification, assessment, mitigation, and management of all project, technical and market risks using formal tools and methods. Risk Priority Number Risk Priority Number (RPN) is used in FMEA analysis to rank the importance of different types of failure. RPN Severity x Occurrence x Detection Reliability and Maintainability Design of the product in a manner to desensitize the product to variation including misuse and increase the probability that it will perform as intended. The condition of a product or process where its operating parameters remain relatively stable with a minimum of variation even though factors which influence operation or usage. such as wear or environment, change. see Return on Investment A root cause is an antecedent source of a defect such that if it is removed, the defect is decreased or removed itself. Root Cause Analysis Root Cause Analysis Study of original reason for nonconformance with a process. When the root cause is removed or corrected, the nonconformance will be eliminated. Root Sum of Squares Root Sum of Squares (RSS) is a tolerancing method that makes use of RSS to determine the best tolerance limits. RSS assumes that the print tolerance equals - 3 standard deviation limits and part nominal equals print nominal. This analysis exploits the manufacturing probability that a part is not always at its minimum or maximum value. It does not take into account process mean shifts (tool wear) and assumes the process is always centered. See Rapid Prototyping The sum of products and services to be provided as part of a project. The tendency for project requirements to grow over time, usually resulting in huge, unmanageable projects. As some projects progress, especially through development, requirements continuously change incrementally, causing the developer to add to the work scope with consequent increases in the time and budget required. Synonymous with requirements creep. Screening is the process of evaluating and selecting new product ideas or concepts for development. These evaluation criteria include fit with company strategy, fit with other productsproduct lines, fit with customers and markets, profitability, growth, risk, investment requirements, technical capabilities, core competencies, etc. see Software Configuration Management A graphical representation of costs, hours, technological progress and other factors. The name is derived from the S-like shape of the curve that is flatter at the beginning, accelerates sharply, and then tails-off. As it relates to technology, the S-Curve is flat when the technology is first invented (technology performance improves slowly and incrementally). Then, as experience with a new technology accrues, the rate of performance increase grows and technology performance increases by leaps and bounds. Finally, some of the performance limits of a new technology start to be reached and performance growth slows. Analysis of of modes of operation unanticipated during design that result in unexpected system behavior and potential failure. Soft Systems Methodology Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) assumes differing viewpoints between individuals regarding a problem. It tries to move toward consensual action between these conflicting views. SSM is a goal-driven, iterative process with a philosophy of continual improvement for which process is more important than the result. SSM requires a facilitator to provide an unbiased viewpoint and is indicated for use when the facing a complex, organizational problem. SSM is useful for providing a structure for understanding complex programs. Software Architecture refers to the high-level structure of software systems. The architecture of a software system identifies a set of components that collaborate to achieve the system goals. The architecture specifies the 8220externally visible8221 properties of the component, i. e. those assumptions other components can make of a component, such as its provided services, performance characteristics, fault handling, shared resource usage, etc. It also specifies the relationships among the components and how they interact. Software Configuration Management Software Configuration Management (SCM) is the specialization of Configuration Management (see Configuration Management) for software systems over their lifecycle. A set of activities that results in software products. Software development may include new development, modification, reuse, re-engineering, maintenance, or any other activities that result in software products. Software Development Plan A Software Development Plan (SDP) is a document describing a developer8217s plans, process and methodology for conducting software development. That field within computer science responsible for the establishment and use of sound engineering principles and methods in order to economically obtain reliable and functional software. Software Quality Assurance The process, procedures and controls to ensure that software produced can be verified to meet the requirements and specifications and, ultimately, the user8217scustomer8217s needs. A geometric modeling method that completely and unambiguously describes both the exterior and interior of a part or assembly in three dimensions (geometry, topology and mass properties). Society of Logistics Engineers The determination of sources from which goods andor services may be obtained to meet the needs of a new product during development and production. see Statement of Work 1. Statistical Process Control 2. Software Productivity Consortium Special Causes (of variation) Special Causes are causes of variation in output from a manufacturing process or system of procedures that is not due to the inherent operation of the process or system itself (common causes), but is due to the intrusion into the system of a one-time or external cause of variation. One-time or external causes do not spring from the system, and so are preventable 8211 i. e. their occurrence can be prevented. Consequently, the reason for each special cause must be investigated and steps then taken to see that it does not occur again. The presence of a special cause of variation must be determined statistically. This is done by knowing that variation in output due to common causes follows a regular pattern corresponding to the Normal curve 8211 i. e. with an average and a deviation on either side of the average within three standard deviations. Variation due to a special cause results in a performance outside these statistical limits. Product and process characteristics designated by the customer governmental, regulatory or safety agencies andor the supplier through knowledge of the product or process. 1. The document that prescribes the requirements with which the product or service has to conform. 2. As used with QFD, Specifications are the particular measures or metrics to define a product requirement. Synonymous with target value in this context. 3. Specifications are boundaries, usually set by management, engineering, or customers, within which a system must operate. They are sometimes called engineering tolerances. Spiral Development Model The Spiral Development Model combines the Waterfall Development Model (see Waterfall Development Model) and the prototype approach. It consists of a series of partial implementations or releases of the product. This approach is useful when the risks are significant, there is a needopportunity to field a partial system in a short amount of time, and the requirements are not completely understood or can change over time. Key assumptions with the Spiral Development Model are a) the initial release is sufficient to key system stakeholders that they will continue to participate in its evolution b) the architecture of the initial release is scalable to accommodate the full set of system life cycle requirements c) and the userscustomers are sufficiently flexible to adapt to the pace of system evolution. see Software Quality Assurance A portion or phase of the product development process with a clear objective of milestone that ends with a stage-gate review before authority is granted to proceed with the next stage or phase. Stage-Gates or phase gates refer to management reviews or decision gates that are structured at key points in the development process (typically at the end of one stagephase or before the start of the next development stagephase) to review the opportunitydevelopment effort, assess it from a business perspective and determine whether it is worthy to continue development or to kill the project. A widely employed product development process that divides the development effort into distinct time-sequenced stages or phases separated by management decision gates. Product teams must successfully complete a prescribed set of related activities in each stage prior to obtaining management approval to proceed to the next stage of product development. The framework of the Stage-Gate process includes work-flow and decision-flow paths and defines the supporting systems and practices necessary to ensure the processs ongoing smooth operation. Standard Cost is the predetermined or planned cost of manufacturing a single unit or of providing a single unit of service. It represents a goal or baseline that is used to project cost, based on experience andor analysis. Standardization or parts, materials, modules and assemblies makes possible the interchangeability of these items among products, resulting in higher volume production and purchasing, lower investment in inventory, easier purchasing and material handling, fewer quality inspections, and less difficulties in production. Statement of Work Statement of Work is a narrative description of products and services to be supplied under contract or as part of a project. Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data (ISO 10303) 8211 An international product data standard to provide an complete, unambiguous, computer-interpretable definition of the physical and functional characteristics of a product throughout its life cycle. A rapid prototyping (RP) process, introduced in 1987 by 3D Systems Inc. which launched the RP industry. A Stereolithography Apparatus (SLA) machine builds physical models in this manner: it focuses an ultraviolet (UV) light onto the surface of a vat filled with liquid photopolymer. The light beam, moving under computer control, draws each layer of an object onto the surface of the liquid. Wherever the beam strikes the surface, liquid changes to solid. 3D parts are built from the bottom up, one layer at a time when the part is finished, it is exposed to UV light for curing. A product portfolio management approach in which management allocates scarce resources across strategic dimensions to buskets such as geographical areas, business units, markets, types of development projects (e. g. new products, upgrades, line extensions, platform development), etc. Structured Analysis and Structured Design Structured Analysis and Structured Design (SASD) is composed of two parts 8211 Structured Analysis and Structured Design. Structured Analysis is composed of an Essential Model, an Environmental Model, a Behavioural Model and lastly an Implementation model. The Essential Model is a model of what the system must do, the Environmental model defines the scope and interaction between the system and the world. The Behavioural Model specifies the required behaviour of the system so that it can interact with it8217s environment. Lastly, the implementation model implements the system. The Structured Design section is divided into three levels. The Processor Model assigns processes to processes. The Task Model assigns processes and data to tasks. Lastly, the Program Implementation Model is an internal definition of individual tasks. Structured Design breaks up the program into a hierarchy of modules with a computer program as the result. Structured Systems Analysis Structured Systems Analysis uses process and data perspective to analyze, develop and document the requirements of a system. Structured Systems Analysis uses dataflow diagrams, entity relationship diagrams, data dictionaries to communicate with designers and describe the requirements. Substance Field Analysis Substance Field Analysis (or Su-Field Analysis) is a TRIZ methodology used to model a system in terms of substances or objects which interact through field such as a force. According to the model, a problem is viewed as incomplete or harmful and can be solved by correcting the model and applying the analogous correction to the system. A supplier becomes 8220certified8221 when it has delivered parts with perfect quality over a pre-specified time period (say six months). At that point, inspection is no longer needed. A supplier is 8220qualified8221 when a customer when it has been determined that the supplier is capable of providing a part. Technology roadmaps of the suppliers current and future product and process technology capabilities. These are typically represented in tabular or graphic form over time to aid in the selection of the appropriate product or process technology for a new product. Supply Chain Management The procurement, stocking and distribution of components, subassemblies and products throughout the design, manufacturing, and distribution stages, ensuring that the correct components, subassemblies and products are delivered to their appropriate destination at the proper time, the lowest overall cost, and acceptable quality levels. A 3D modeling technique to describe geometry by its surfaces. This is typically used where surface shape is critical such as the design of auto body panels and aerostructures and industrial design. Surface Mount Technology Surface Mount Technology (SMT) is a method of attaching electrical components directly to a board substrate rather than through a plated hole. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats Analysis 8211 a process where by a group of people determine: a) what strengths do we have (how can we take advantage of them) b) what weaknesses do we have (how can we minimize them) c) what opportunities are there (how can we capitalize on them) d) what threats might prevent us from getting there (consider technical obstacles, competitive responses, values of people within the organization, etc.). For every obstacle identified, what can we do to overcome or get around it (This helps to develop contingency plans.) Synthesis is an EDA process which reads a high-level electronic design description and implements it at a lower level of abstraction. Legacy synthesis tools produce a gate-level implementation, at which point the design netlist is handed off to the IC layout process. More recent developments have synthesis becoming more tightly integrated with the IC layout process in order to better achieve convergence of goals such as timing. The process of designing a system that comprises the interaction and integration of subsystems and subassemblies into a single system that performs an intended function. The sub-assemblies can consist of electrical, mechanical, optical, software, and other components to achieve overall functionality. Systems engineering is the process of specifying the system requirements, allocating the system requirements to the hardware and software components, specifying the interfaces between the hardware and software components, and monitoring the design and development of these components to ensure conformance with their specifications. Systems engineering transforms an operational need into a description of system performance parameters and a system configuration through the use of an iterative process (e. g. definition, syntheses, analysis, design, test and evaluation, etc.) integrates related technical parameters and assure compatibility of all physical, functional, and program interfaces in a manner which optimizes the total system definition and design and integrates reliability, maintainability, safety, human, and other such factors into the total engineering effort. The successive combining and testing of hardware and software system components in a prescribed manner to prove compatibility and performance. System Integration Team A System Integration Team is a higher-level IPT (see Integrated Product Team) used in a larger program which flows down requirements and workscope in individual IPT8217s, monitors and coordinates their activities from a technical perspective, resolves interface and integration issues, and redirects technical activities when required to assure that the development work is accomplished to meet the overall system requirements. System Requirements Review System Requirements Review (SRR) is a design review at which the system requirements document is reviewed and approved. This review determines which needs of the total user requirements statement will be satisfied by the proposed project. (Digital Circuits) Translation and optimization of an hardware description language specification into a gate-level implementation. Test, Analyze and Fix Test Access Port A quality engineering methodology developed by Genichi Taguchi that includes off-line quality control, on-line quality control, and system of experimental design to reduce costs and improve quality. Taguchi methods are not just a statistical application of design of experiments. Taguchi methods include the integration of statistical design of experiments into a powerful engineering process. The goal is not just to optimize an arbitrary objective function, but also to reduce the sensitivity of engineering designs to uncontrollable factors or noise. This moves design targets toward the middle of the design space so that external variation affects the behavior of the design as little as possible. This permits large reductions in both part and assembly tolerances, which are major drivers of anufacturing cost. Also see Design of Experiments. A market-driven strategy and process that begins with what price a product can sell for in the marketplace to achieve a desired sales volumes. Target cost is then calculated by subtracting the desired profit margin from this target price. The target cost is treated as an independent variable that must be satisfied along with other customer requirements rather than the result of design decisions (dependent variable). This cost would be considered the unit production cost that is expected to be achieved during a mature production stage. Depending on the definition, it may or may not include warranty costs and selling, general and administrative costs. Thermal Coefficient of Expansion Technical Data Package A Team is a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable. Characteristics of high-performing teams include: a shared, elevating vision or goal, a sense of team identity, a results-driven structure, competent team members, a commitment to the team, mutual trust, interdependence among team members, effective communication, a sense of autonomy, a sense of empowerment, small team size, and a high level of enjoyment The process of influencing a group of diverse individuals, each with their own goals, needs, and perspectives, to work together effectively for the good of the project such that their team will accomplish more than the sum of their individual efforts could otherwise achieve. A Team Charter is a brief written document used to define the mission and objectives of the team. The charter typically includes a statement of mission, objectives or statement of work background authority, boundary conditions (scope, constraints, resources, and schedule) membership high-level requirements or specifications, and interface responsibilities. A tabular or graphic representation of technology plans mapped against time to guide the selection and use of technology in new product development or represent the technology embodied in future products. Technology Transfer is the process of transferring research and technology from laboratories, government and outside organizations into the enterprise for practical application in new products. The characteristic of a product8217s design that facilitates it8217s testing during developmentqualification, in production, and in the field. A Test Plan identifies the test objectives and details the activities required to achieve these test objectives. The stimulus, measurement, power, loads and any special test equipment or procedure essential to validate proper operation of a device or some predetermined design control or product specification definition. see Test and Evaluation Theory of Inventive Problem Solving Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (Russian acronym is TRIZ) is a structured methodology developed by Genrich Altshuller for problem solving and innovation based on analysis and codification of technology solutions from millions of patents. Time Box or Time-Boxing Time box or time-boxing refers to a technique for setting interim or end-date goal for a project and the project scope (e. g. list of features in priority order to account for the time available), approach, and plan for achieving the deadline. Time Compression Technologies Time Compression Technologies 8211 technologies to support the product development process, that when effectively integrated into the process, offers opportunity for significant reductions in cycle time. These include CAD, CAE, CAM, PDM and rapid prototyping. 1. Time-to-Market is the cycle time of product development from conception of a new product to initial sale of the new product. 2. Time-to-Market is the dimension of strategy focused on getting products to market quickly as the basis of competition. see Theory of Inventive Problem Solving TL 9000 is a quality management standard for the telecommunications industry built on ISO 9000. Its purpose is to define the requirements for the design, development, production, delivery, installation and maintenance of products and services. Included are cost and performance based measurements that measure reliability and quality performance of the products and services. Tape Layering Machine 1. see Taguchi Methods 2. Technical Manual Tolerance is the upper and lower limits of some dimension or parameter relating to a component part, material or assembly which an actual item must comply with in order for it to be acceptable in procurement or manufacturing. The difference between the upper and lower tolerance is the tolerance spread. Tolerance Design is a step in the design process (following parameter design) where the determination is made of how much variation is acceptable with a design parameter that will still allow the satisfactory functioning of the product to meet the customer8217s needs. Often tolerance design is not adequately considered, and the designer merely specifies standard tolerances which may be inadequate or overstated. Top-Down Design is a design methodology whereby an entire design is decomposed into its major components, and then these components are further decomposed into their major components, etc. The constraints are established early in the design flow, and then are passed on and adhered to by the back-end processes. Trade-off Analysis is the process of making decisions when each choice has both advantages and disadvantages. In a simple tradeoff, it may be enough to list each alternative and the pros and cons. For more complicated decisions, list the decision criteria and weight them. Determine how each option rates on each of the decision score and compute a weighted total score for each option. The option with the best score is the preferred option. Decision trees may be used when options have uncertain outcomes. Test Requirements Specification Language (proposed IEEE standard) Validation is the process of ensuring that the product conforms to defined user needs, requirements, andor specifications under defined operating conditions. Design validation is performed on the final product design with parts that meet design intent. Production validation is performed on the final product design with parts that meet design intent produced with production processes intended for normal production. Value Analysis 8211 an effort to analyze systems and designs to satisfy needed user requirements at sufficient quality (functions) at an optimum cost (maximize value). 1. Value Engineering is a structured methodology for applying value analysis or function analysis to increase customer or user value. 2. A formal technique to eliminate, without impairing essential functions or characteristics, anything that unnecessarily increases the cost of a product. It is a disciplined system for accomplishing the functions that the customer needs and wants at the lowest cost. A multi-part strategy to reduce product variation and make a product more robust or fit to use through design of experiments, design within process capabilities, and process improvement. A capability of 2D and 3D modeling systems in which the user defines a model by dimensions and constraints, which are then solved by a series of simultaneous equations to create and modify geometry. A product data management (PDM) system data storage areas or databases. Information stored in PDM system vaults is controlled by system rules and processes. Verband der Automobilindustrie (German product data exchange standard) see Value Engineering Value Engineering Change Proposal 1. Confirmation by examination and provision of objective evidence that specified requirements have been fulfilled. 2. Verification is the process of evaluating a system or component to determine whether the products of a given phase satisfy the conditions imposed at the start of that phase. (IEEE) 3. The process of verifying the functional and performance requirements of a design, be it a chip, board, or system. Many different kinds of verification tools are in use today, including simulation, formal verification, various types of physical analysis tools, emulation, and rapid prototyping. Most design verification strategies employ many or all of these approaches to assure the reliability of the final product prior to its manufacture. Hardware description language similar to VHDL (IEEE Standard 1364) The version of an object or product structure is used to distinguish between the changes made to the different object or structure as it changes during its lifecycle VHSIC Hardware Description Language (IEEE Standard 1076-1987, ANSI Standard 1076-1988) 8211 A computer language that provides designers with ability to model computer-simulatable descriptions of digital electronics, to communicate logical and physical interconnection between the models created, and to exchange the resulting digital electronic product data among different organizations. see Hardware Description Language. VHSIC Hardware Description Language-Analog Very High Speed Integrated Circuit The term Virtual Customer refers to the use of technology and, more-specifically, web-based tools to gather customer input and feedback throughout the product development process to better understand and address customer needs. Virtual Prototyping refers to the use of numerical analysis tools to analyze a design instead of building and testing a physical prototype. Technology that enables users to 8220enter8221 and navigate through a computer-generated 3D environment. It allows users to change their viewpoint and interact with objects created in the environment in a way that mimics the real world. VHDL Initiative Toward ASIC Libraries (IEEE 1076) 8211 standards for back annotation, timing, and high-performance primitives for the purpose of speeding the introduction of ASIC libraries. A name given to a particular form of presentation of the project life cycle. Rather than being broken into distinct periods of controlled phases, all activities appear as one long hierarchical succession. A statement or promise made to the customer that a product being offered for sale is fit for the purpose being claimed. The promise concerns primarily what the seller will do if the product performs below expectations or turns out to be defective in some way. The promise (warranty) may be full (complete protection) or limited (some corrective steps), under terms of the Magnuson-Moss Act of 1975. Waterfall Development Model Waterfall Development Model undertakes the development of the entire system in a series of development phases and activities. This approach assumes the following: a) the requirements are knowable in advance of implementation b) the requirements have no unresolved, high-risk implications c) the nature of the requirements will not change very much during development d) the right architecture for implementing the requirements is well understood and e) there is enough calendar time to proceed sequentially. The projects using the Waterfall Development Model are checked for proper execution and quality through validation of entry requirements and exit criteria at each phase. This model contrasts with the Spiral Development Model (see Spiral Development Model). IEEE test language which provides a standard representation for stimulus and response data in support of the design and test of digital devices. see Work Breakdown Structure A failure distribution that is very useful in reliability activities because it can be used to model many other life distributions. By adjusting the beta factor, or shape parameter, of the Weibull distribution, it can be made to model a decreasing, constant, or increasing hazard rate. The Weibull distribution provides reasonably accurate failure analysis and failure forecasts with extremely small samples. Work Breakdown Structure Work Breakdown Structure is a hierarchical tree structure decomposing a project into activities and sub-activities to help define and control the project and its elements of work. Workflow Systems Workflow Management Systems Workflow Systems are systems to support the coordination, communication and control of business processes by means of information technology for the purpose of improving and better managing these processes. Workflow Systems automate a business process, in whole or part, during which documents, information or tasks are passed from one participant to another for action, according to a set of procedural rules. A geometric model that describes 3D geometry by outlining its edges, similar to a 8220stick figure8221. Worst Case Tolerance Analysis Worst Case Tolerance Analysis 8211 The assembly tolerance is determined by summing the component tolerances linearly. Each component dimension is assumed to be at its maximum or minimum limit, resulting in the worst possible assembly limits. It is a very conservative approach to tolerance analysis and is not the best approach to tolerancing since that it caters to combinations that are extremely unlikely, rather than focusing on a more probabilistic approach. X-Bar Chart A quality control chart that monitors the mean of the process. A sample of n parts is collected from the process every so many parts or time periods. The mean of the sample is plotted on the control chart and a determination is made if the process is 8220under control8221 or not. see Extreme Programming

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